(hands are very small, and have a fairly high desk which made it annoying after an hour or so. On the Saitek x52 I don't know, I did get a Saitek Fly 5, and it had all the right options for this game, but I found it to be uncomfortable to use so didn't use it long enough to become good with it. Overall I would say its player preference for this, I tried it an never quite got used to it, but did find there to be many advantages and think if you were good at it, it would be better than the keyboard. For instance you can more easily fine tune your speed to keep a perfect shot lined up for a laser while strafing, or use a twistable joystick to torso twist one way while aiming the arms another for protection while firing. There are some major advantages over the keyboard. This is a harder call and probably depends most on how good you are with one. Should you use a joystick to replace your keyboard? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its terrible to aim with you will be a massive liability to your team. Should you ever use a joystick to replace your mouse?